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Our Story

Bank & Assoc. Movers started with a single van and a small crew moving customers in and around Manhattan. Today, we have grown into a large moving company with an eight-truck fleet that serves every borough in New York City. Our aim is to deliver outstanding services that lead to unparalleled customer satisfaction. Grateful smiles our happy customers drive us to continue offering the best moving services in NYC.

Challenges of Moving in NYC

Moving has always been difficult in New York City. Tiny apartments, buildings without elevators, limited parking, fraudulent movers, and overpriced rates are just some of the many problems you could be facing during an NYC relocation. Stressful, isn’t it?

After 20 years in the industry, our team in Bank & Assoc. Movers realized that people are hungry for convenience, reasonable prices, and a smooth moving experience. And we’re here to deliver all of that and more. Offering quality services at fair prices, Bank & Assoc. has completed more than a thousand moves. We cater to any request, from small apartment homes to entire business relocations. We are here to serve, no matter how simple or complex your moving requirements.

Our Mission

Our ultimate goal is to provide convenience and overcome the difficulties of moving within the Big Apple. We want to want you to believe that a stress-free move is not just a far-off dream.

Here are the ways our team goes above and beyond to make your move a success:

Today is your lucky day. Out of the hundreds if not thousands of moving companies in Tri-State, you’ve come across the best! Contact us, and we’ll gladly discuss the details of our operation.

Why Choose Us?

Simply because we genuinely want to help you.

If you don’t want to deal with all the hassle that comes with relocating, then let us do the job for you. Contact us today to request your free moving quote!

Looking forward to hearing from you!

