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Long-distance moving can be surprisingly difficult for those who have never done it before. While the process may sound the same as shorter moves, the logistics can be challenging for those who have never dealt with it. If you’ll be moving a long distance for the first time, then the advice below is something you’ll want to keep in mind. The tips and tricks included can help make this life change something you get through with a smile.

1. Hire Movers

Movers make the process of moving a long distance much easier because they take care of the driving. They will also load the truck with expert precision, so your belongings are ultimately safer for the trip ahead. If you don’t enjoy road trips or aren’t familiar with driving large trucks, then you’ll appreciate the help that they offer. The drivers that work for these companies are professionally trained and will schedule with you a drop off date so you know when your items will arrive. Since these types of companies handle moving all the time, you can trust them to get your things to where they need to go.

2. Have Your Car Moved

Transporters can take your vehicle so you don’t have to deal with selling it before you leave. If you choose this option, you need to make sure to schedule the pickup a day or two before you go. Booking the pickup on the same date as your items are picked up can be difficult if a large moving truck is parked in your driveway. A late driver can also cause problems with your travel plans, so it’s best always to plan ahead.

3. Plan Your Route Ahead of Time

If you are going to drive a moving truck, then you need to plan out your route ahead of time. Book hotels to stay in, research rest stops, and map out gas stations. If you are flying, then plan on leaving the day after the moving truck picks up. Movers can be late, and if your flight is scheduled for the same day, you would have to pay hefty fees to change to the next day. If you don’t want to stay in an empty house or need to be out of yours, then book a hotel room at the airport months ahead of time to lock down an affordable price.

Plan Your Route Ahead of Time

Plan Your Route Ahead of Time

4. Don’t Move Everything

The more you move, the more it’s going to cost you. Get rid of furniture that’s in bad shape, donate clothes that you don’t wear anymore, and eat all of the food in your pantry, fridge, and freezer (or donate it through a program like Move for Hunger). It’s also a good idea to go through your medicine cabinet, sink areas, and garage to get rid of products that you can’t move. While your moving company will give you specifics, this normally includes paint, solvents, flammable liquids, aerosols, and plants.

5. Bring Luggage

Although it can be tempting to move all of your things in boxes, you should keep luggage with clothing, toiletries, toys for kids, and electronics with you. In most situations, your boxes won’t be unpacked for weeks, so you must keep items with you that you need on a daily basis.

Bring Luggage (for necessities)

Bring Luggage (for necessities)

Preparing for a New Experience

While moving a long distance might be a new experience, it doesn’t have to leave you with bad memories. Use the tips above, along with planning and thought to make sure each step in the process goes smoothly. With effort, you might be surprised how seamlessly your moving day can go.

TAGS: first time moving, first timers moving, moving, moving first time, moving first timers

